Metaverse: The future of Internet

Anusha Patil
Catalysts Reachout
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2022

As we all know internet is one of the greatest Invention ever. We have all the knowledge in the world at our fingertips. But it has a very small draw back i.e., it is not very interactive. Imagine instead of seeing internet on screen you would actually enter it and perceive it as your environment, and this bring in the concept of METAVERSE.

What is Metaverse?

It is a set of virtual or augmented spaces which we can create or explore with other people who aren’t in the same physical space as you where the physical blends with augmented and virtual reality where we are represented by a 3D version of you i.e., your avatar and that avatar will be playing, working, shopping and interacting in a shared online universe.
where we are present inside the internet rather than looking at it from outside.


  • It is persistent:

Events and experiences in the metaverse do not pause, end, or reset, just like in the real world. When a user logs out, everything inside the metaverse will continue to exist and function.

  • It is always live:

The metaverse and the digital objects inside are experienced in real-time. Any content, experience, or information is accessible at any given time and remains available even when a user logs out of their account.

  • It can host an audience of any size:

The metaverse brings together millions of users from any part of the physical world. Users can experience an event simultaneously.

  • It is interoperable:

Digital information and assets are shared across multiple virtual platforms. The same can also be translated into the physical world. For example, a user can purchase an item of clothing for their avatar and use it on different virtual platforms.

  • It allows customization:

Users can change their avatars or digital identities at any time to showcase their personality or current mood. Content may be designed and created by independent developers and large organizations.

  • It has a functioning and sustainable economy:

Users can purchase digital goods and services to enhance their Metaverse experience. They can also shop for physical items that can be shipped anywhere they want in the real world.

  • It combines the virtual and physical world:

The metaverse spans both real-world and digitally created content and experiences.

How Does the Metaverse Impact Marketing?

The Metaverse creates a whole new way for business owners to connect with consumers. Incorporating the concept of the Metaverse into his digital marketing strategy can capture the attention of those looking to enhance the online consumer experience. To achieve this, use the word metaverse in your product descriptions or in the headlines of blogs and articles about your products and services. This way, search engines like Google and Bing can easily find your brand. When surfing the Internet, users are usually only able to read text and view images and videos. In the Metaverse, people use AI-powered software and devices to experience products and services through avatars. For example, if you sell clothing, jewelry, or shoes, potential customers can try them on before they buy, just like in a physical store. However, in the Metaverse, people don’t have to leave their homes. Likewise, you may be present in the online space wherever you are in the world, ready to answer customer questions about your products.


Metaverse is the new macro goal for many of the world tech giants.
Technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are combined in the metaverse to create a sense of virtual presence. But a simplistic way to look at the metaverse is as a parallel, virtual, world where users can have different identities, possessions and characters. The metaverse has been a hot topic of conversation recently, with Facebook and Microsoft both staking claims. Supporters of the metaverse envision its users working, playing and staying connected with friends through everything from concerts and conferences to virtual trips around to the world.

