Roadmap To Becoming A Web 3.0 Developer

Catalysts Reachout
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2022
web3.0 roadmap

Many of us know that Blockchain is a topic that is hot at the moment. It’s a topic that is disruptive. It’s a topic that is accelerating. The industry has a crazy amount of demand for developers right now. Next to awesome salaries, it’s also an immensely interesting field to work in.

If you want to be a part of this and advance in your career to become a Web 3.0 developer, a structured approach can leverage your learning by a lot.

As in my last article I covered on the basics of web3.0, Today in this Article you will get to know how to get started in this field from a developer’s point of view. This article contains a roadmap that will definitely lead you towards your goal.


You should know JavaScript and web development in general. If you don’t, you should take a step back at this point and learn about web development first.

There are so many awesome courses and tutorials out there. You won’t have a hard time finding good ones.

  1. Learn The Basics Of Blockchain

You must be aware of what you work with. Although blockchains are a fantastic piece of technology, they are also not easy to learn. It will take some effort on your part to comprehend what you will subsequently build on.

2. Learn about Metamask or any equivalent Crypto Wallet

Metamask is a wallet used to interact with the blockchain. This is a very basic skill expected from a crypto user, however, developers should know more than the average user. Like how to programmatically request network change and detect current accounts and networks.

3. Learn About Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are how you can actually program the blockchain. They are pieces of code that have been distributed to the blockchain and are written in a language that blockchain nodes can understand. Smart contracts can nearly do everything, from fungible and non-fungible tokens to the backend of your next decentralized app. They are, however, different from the code you usually write.

4. Learn Solidity

A new language based on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Learn the language of the Rust for Solana and Near. However, the main topic of this article is EVM, so let’s get started with Solidity. Don’t be overwhelmed, new versions of the language are being developed quite quickly. It is advised to develop a reading habit because some excellent tutorials are written rather than video.

Creating zombies are the ideal method to learn Solidity.

5. Learn How To Interface With The Blockchain

Decentralized apps consist of two components: Your frontend and smart contracts executed on the blockchain. For your front end to talk to the blockchain, you’ll need to interface with it. Here are two popular choices to interface with blockchains that implement the Ethereum API, web3.js and ethers.js.

You can use Web3.js to create clients that interface with the Ethereum Blockchain. It’s a collection of libraries that allows you to transfer Ether from one account to another, read and write data from smart contracts, and build smart contracts.

6. Testing and Deploying Smart Contracts

Easy and Beginner-friendly way is to start with Remix IDE. Just like how we use VS Code, Remix is an Online IDE for writing Solidity code.

The great way is by using the highly recommended Hard Hat framework

There used to be 2 tools before Hard Hat came. Namely, Truffle(for deploying and testing contracts on Blockchain) and Ganache(Runs a local blockchain with 10 wallets). Hard Hat is a combination of these 2 tools. Testing and Blockchain combined into one! Isn’t it cool!

7. Join Communities and Participate in Hackathons


So that’s a wrap, then. I hope you find this post useful.

Although learning Web3.0 and blockchain development may initially seem difficult, anyone can accomplish it.

Learn in stages by starting with the foundations of computer science, moving on to JavaScript, and then moving on to solidity and cutting-edge Defi applications.



Catalysts Reachout

I write Interesting Bugs || Specializing in React, cloud, cross-platform, and full stack blockchain application development