Things you all need to know about data structures and algorithms before its too late.

Catalysts Reachout
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2022

Before going deep into it, let me introduce you to the world of DSA. In simpler way, DATA STRUCTURE is used to store the data.

Firstly what are Data structures and Algorithms?
DATA STRUCTURES are methods of storing and organizing data in a computer system so that basic operations can be performed more efficiently and an ALGORITHM is a collection of steps to solve a problem using particular data structure.

Why is data structures so much important and prioritized over other skills for your education and to build better carrier?
DATA STRUCTURES and ALGORITHMS are used to test the analytical skills of the candidates as they are a useful tool to pick out the underlying algorithms in real-world problems and solve them efficiently. Also they are the fundamentals of Software Development which every tech student needs to know.

Before starting, you need to know about Sorting->Time and Space complexity-> Patterns->STL which is very helpful and important for mastering the data structures. Here are all the data structures you need to learn in a best possible manner sequentially :
Arrays->Strings->Recursion & Backtracking->Linked List->Stacks->Queues->Tree & Binary Trees->Binary search tree->Heaps & Priority Queues->Hashing->Greedy Algorithm->Dynamic Programming->Graphs.

Where to learn?
One good thing is browsing google for basic concepts & algorithms. Also you have the best resources found on the internet like GFG,W3 Schools and
many other Youtube channels who give their best efforts to teach you all.

Confused where to learn and how to practice?
A better way is to start understanding every thing conceptually with good clarity context. Then begin to solve the sums on GFG practice platform which contains 5 levels of solving sums and learning new things parallely which could possibly be the best way to learn rather than loosing your confidence.

What next?
As you all are well-versed with concepts and able to solve sums, now its time to solve Interview level questions on Leetcode platform and participate in
Codechef contests which increases your logical ability and finally your done with it.

I will be back with good content again…

