Web 3: The Internet of Values

Catalysts Reachout
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2022
web 3.0

So, what is web 3.0 actually? And where does it come from?

Web 3.0 is one of the most recent Internet technologies, combining machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain to enable real-time human communication. Web 3.0 will allow individuals to not only own and control their data but also to get reimbursed for their online time.

To properly understand what Web 3 will change, understanding what came before Web 3 is really important . The first iteration of the Internet, known as Web 1, was made up of a list of links and homepages. It was made public in the 1990s. The webpages weren’t really interactive in general. Therefore, options were limited to reading and sharing simple content for others to read. The main technologies that comprised web 1.0 were as follows:

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
  • URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Web 2 came after Web 1. This version of the internet is sometimes referred to as the “read/write” version, alluding to the computer code that enables you to open and modify files as opposed to just viewing them. On this version of the Internet, users may create material, submit it to blogs like Tumblr and Reddit, online forums, and marketplaces like Craigslist, as well as consume it. Later, the popularity of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram drove the creation and sharing of information to entirely new heights.

There were three innovation tiers in Web 2:

  • Social media channels
  • Utilizing the Cloud
  • Mobile use

Despite the fact that Web 2 has provided the world with a lot of free and on-demand services, many users have become dissatisfied with these so-called “walled gardens’’, created by massive tech businesses. A rapidly increasing number of people want more control over their data and the content they see. This is where Web 3 enters the picture.

Web 3 is also referred to as the “read/write/own” phase of the Internet. Users can engage in the management of internet protocols directly, rather than using free tech platforms in exchange for their personal data, which is the case with platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This means that users are becoming participants and stockholders, rather than mere information sources.

How does Web 3.0 work?

Making Internet searches substantially quicker, simpler, and more effective is one of the objectives of Web 3.0 so that even complex search terms may be handled swiftly.

Nowadays, a web 2.0 application’s frontend, which connects with the backend and then the database, must be used by the user. Customers receive the whole code using a web browser after it is saved on centralized servers.

Both centralized databases for storing application information and a centralized web server for backend processing are absent from Web 3.0. Instead, a blockchain can be used to develop programs that are maintained by anonymous internet nodes and run on a decentralized server.

Main characteristics that can aid in defining Web 3.0:

Semantic Web

The Semantic Web is a part of the Web’s future progression. The semantic web advances online technology by allowing users to produce, share, and connect content through search and analysis based on the ability to understand the meaning of words rather than just keywords or numbers.

Artificial Intelligence

With the help of natural language processing and this capabilities, Web 3.0 will enable computers to recognize information much like people do in order to deliver quicker and more accurate results. To meet user needs, they develop greater intelligence.

3D Graphics

In Web 3.0, the three-dimensional design is used extensively in websites and services. Examples of 3D graphics in usage include museum guides, computer games, e-commerce, geospatial contexts, etc.


Semantic metadata in Web 3.0 makes information more connected. The user experience advances as a result to a higher level of connectedness that makes use of all the information available.

Data Privacy

Advanced data encryptions are intended to make it hard for big businesses like Google and Apple to manage or use people’s personal information for their own gain without your consent, with the greatest benefit going to end users. Customers will have total privacy and control over their data in this way.

Consistent Services

Users will be able to access data in any situation thanks to decentralized data storage. They will receive several backups, which allows them to access their data even if the server fails. Furthermore, no entity or government agency will be able to halt the operation of any services or websites. As a result, the chances of account suspension and distributed service denial will be lowered.

Web 3.0 has a lot of potential, It will make the web smarter, safer, and more transparent, allowing for more efficient surfing and human-machine interaction and it won’t be long before our interactions with the Internet will shift towards an enhanced and independent experience.

Will be posting more on web 3 🔥, stay tuned for more! 👏🏻



Catalysts Reachout

I write Interesting Bugs || Specializing in React, cloud, cross-platform, and full stack blockchain application development