Why DuckDuckGo??

Anusha Patil
Catalysts Reachout
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2022

What is DuckDuckGo (DDG)?

DuckDuckGo is a search engine founded in 2008, it is an internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results.

DuckDuckGo says:

“Our privacy policy is simple: we don’t collect or share any of your personal information.”

Therefore, the query is Why use DDG instead of Google?

We are all aware that when you visit a website, network routers on that website record your IP address. Usually, a website saves the information including your IP address. However, DuckDuckGo promises to hide your IP address when using its search engine.

Additionally, Google, Yahoo, and Bing track your search history and personal information to give you a customized search experience (even in incognito mode).

These search engines may give customized adverts and individualized search results thanks to this method.

In contrast to other search engines, DuckDuckGo follows a different strategy.

In order for you to avoid what they refer to as the “filter bubble,” DuckDuckGo makes a pledge not to gather that information.

The search results on DuckDuckGo are not altered based on the user’s preferences, search history, or location.

1] No Stored Search History

Consider all the things you look for online, such as financial assistance, medical information, or location-based queries.
These searches might sometimes be quite private.
For the purpose of serving, you targeted adverts, other well-known search engines sell that information to marketers.

DuckDuckGo guarantees that it will never, ever store your search history.
Each time you use the DuckDuckGo browser, a brand-new search result will appear.

2] No Third-Party Trackers

Did you know that 86% of the top 50,000 websites worldwide allow Google to track website visitors?

This is because a lot of websites utilise Google Analytics to monitor visitor traffic. Additionally, Google manages Adsense, Admob, and DoubleClick, three of the largest non-search ad networks that the majority of websites employ.

So it’s challenging to avoid Google. In order to create profiles of you, Yahoo and Bing also track your internet activity.
Another tech behemoth that secretly follows people is Facebook.

They only cover 36% of the major websites, though.

The browser and mobile app from DuckDuckGo offer to disable trackers from Facebook, other trackers, and other search engines.

Therefore, DuckDuckGo might be the solution for those who want to maintain their anonymity when they seek outside of search engines.

3] Unfiltered Results

Do you know what a filter bubble is?

Users experience the filter bubble when they come across information that confirms their preexisting opinions.

What does this indicate for searchers?
If you have political leanings or other ideologies, the major search engines remember that and filter out content they think you’ll skip.
Therefore, you are more likely to be served results you already agree with. DuckDuckGo, on the other hand, believes that search results should be unbiased.
Therefore, their search results page gives everyone the same results, regardless of their political preference, cultural bias, or other demographics.

Positive aspects of DuckDuckGo:

  • include complete search privacy.
  • Bangs shortcuts to take you directly to a website.
  • tidy interface
  • No targeted ads
  • Based on your searches, there was no social engineering.

DuckDuckGo is a good choice if you value your online privacy and don’t mind searching for a little while longer.

