My Journey in Helping Company Make Their Own Peter Kavinsky’s Story

Johanna Indira Pradini
Published in
5 min readNov 1, 2019
Photo From: Unsplash (Daniel Thiele)

Do you feel that your heart blossoms when you watch To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before as if you are the one who got Peter Kavinsky’s heart? I do! If you do too, it is because you pay attention to the story and become emotionally engaged with the story’s characters, as if you have been transported into the story’s world. (I still think that Peter is my boyfriend :P). That is exactly the effect a strong strategic narrative can give, imagine if your organization or company uses an empowering strategic narrative to influence people.

Up to this point, you might be wondering what is a strategic narrative? So, I hope you don’t stop reading. Grab your coffee or tea, find your cat under the couch to be pet, or go somewhere safe from your boss to slack off and read this because you are going to know what strategic narrative is along this article :)

Before I start, in The Untold: Fragments of Storytelling article, the author believes that every single soul on this massive planet has its own story to tell. So, here is my untold story of getting surprised when my team and I crafted our first strategic narrative blueprint (the kind of surprise you get from your birthday presents, not the sort of surprise when you found out pineapple on pizza :P).

For context, this was my first time crafting a strategic narrative blueprint. Before my journey within the narrative realm, I was a product-based analyst in one of Indonesia’s leading education tech start-up. Before that, I was an auditor in an accounting firm. So, you’ve guessed it; I was indeed a fish out of water.

How did your regular accountant wind up in a strategic narrative consultant?

Let it be another story to tell. Or, if you want to know, write your response below! (I loooveee to chat!! And find new perspectives). But, one thing I can tell you, it’s one of the “worth-it” leaps of faith that I have ever taken.

My journey started when I applied to Catalyst Strategy, and where I met Kak Farina (check her Instagram account, she is aweeesome!, she often talks about meditation, you definitely can feel the zen!). Anyways, Kak Farina was the one who introduced me to the strategic narrative, why it is important, and how it can cut through the noise of this busy world, and it got me mind-blown! She explained that a great strategic narrative would bring the soul out of an organization. I was shooketh, it was like I was introduced to the magical sphere of stories and strategies. In my mind, it is kind of similar to marketing as usual, but later on, you know it is not!

But, thank God, Holy Mary, and Joseph, I got the job!

The first week of my strategic narrative career…

I was so nervous because this is a new concept for me! Both my mind and eyes were enlightened with these strategic narrative theories. But, thanks to the people in the firm, they made it so bearable (they really live up to their mission to make the firm the happiest workplace on earth.)

But, my strategic narrative journey is just starting!

My second week in, I was assigned with my first journey to the magical world of strategic narrative, crafting a whole strategic narrative blueprint and a plan for a growing financial technology company! I was stunned by how many steps I have to take to achieve that goldmine. This was when my respect for marketers and storytellers grew larger. It’s certainly amazing how powerful a great story can impact others.

The process of building a strategic narrative blueprint is a long but beautiful journey. It combines insights from leaders and team members of the company. We dug the necessary to align everything to build the narratives (want to experience the magic yourself? contact us! :p). The next step, we dug deep on the consumers’ side because it is of course important! We try to understand what’s happening in their lives lately! Because we always try to be in consumers’ shoes and try to understand their worldview through their eyes 👀.

From there, I got all the insights to build my first strategic narrative — a story that I want to tell the world about this company’s core. After we got the narrative blueprint, now we move onto the next one, which is the plan on how to bring the company’s soul to the public eyes 🐼. We don’t want the story to remain a story. We want this to be heard. In making the plan, we started with finding references that can be most relatable with the company’s and customers’ insights. Then, we come up with a very comprehensive strategy to communicate that empowering story, including the design guidelines, channel strategy, and much more.

I am still blown away with strategic narrative, and I am always surprised each day with the insights that I got from a diverse set of clients. In my view, strategic narrative is best because it provides a clear view of how the company construes the world in which it operates. During my journey up to this point, I learn:

  • Everyone has an amazing and inspiring story when they start their journey, but not everyone can convey the story to the public, and as a result, they miss the opportunity to inspire others.
  • Consumers insights are everything! At the end, we want to tell the company’s story to the public, knowing how we can tap into the consumers’ heart will be a valuable asset.
  • A strategic narrative can really make your company’s story stick to its audience. The company doesn’t need to burn out a lot of incentives. It is kind of the same effect like Peter Kavinsky gets your heart blossom as if you are transported to his world.

Still want to know more, you may read this brief intro to strategic narratives, written by the founder herself. Or if you want to experience the magic by yourself, visit our website and contact us!

