The Vibe — August 30, 2022

The Late Show opens with a pair of Bills

Bud Copeland
Catch The Vibe


There are memories and moments I can’t remember when I thank the Almighty Creator that social media wasn’t a thing while I was growing up.

However, given its ability to share gossip, start rumors, and provide 24-hour entertainment, there are scenarios built for Twitter, and the Tonight Show of the early 1990’s was one of them.

For a quick refresher, Johnny Carson owned late-night for 30 years and was stepping aside in 1992. He apparently wanted David Letterman to take over, but NBC went with Jay Leno.

Channeling anger into action, letterman took an opportunity with CBS who saw this as a chance to break into the late-night space after living in Johnny’s world forever.

Known today more for auto racing, Netflix interviews, and a magnificent beard, Worldwide Pants and its founder David Letterman launched Late Night with David Letterman on August 30, 1993 inviting Bill Murray and Billy Joel as the shows first guests.

Stuff Happening Now-ish

⛳️ JoAnne Carner shoots her age (83) again while Jill McGill takes her 3rd U.S. Senior Women’s Open title.

🎾 Tennis fan or not, Serena (along with Venus in doubles) is making one more run in Flushing Meadows. You should watch.

🎤 Lance Bass (NSYNC) + Topanga Lawrence (Boy Meets World) + Prom = Movie? And it’s all real?

🍾 Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift partied post-VMA triggering major FOMO among Barbs and Swifties around the world.

🥺 Study shows (so you know it’s true) that dogs cry tears of joy when reunited with their owners.

Song For Today

Worth it

Happy Birthday

✍️ Mary Shelley

🎥 Cameron Diaz

💰 Warren Buffet

✊🏾 Fred Hampton

Don’t Forget, Today Is

National Beach Day

He’s a National Treasure



Bud Copeland
Catch The Vibe

I know what I know, and I know what I don’t. I think.