One step back, two steps forward

The Catchafire Team
Catchafire Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2015
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We’ve heard that browsing through Catchafire’s project menu can be like shopping in a candy store. We totally get it.

Listing graphic design, website and storytelling projects is exciting but often times taking on more foundational projects can make your future “nice to have” projects more impactful.
Sometimes you have to take a step back in order to move forward. Here are a few signs that is the case at your organization.

  • People consistently ‘don’t get it’ after you finish explaining your work

Do you find that volunteers, funders and/or advisors ask you a series of seemingly obvious questions after you give your elevator pitch? What is clear to you may actually be confusing to the public. This is a red flag — there is nothing more important than making sure people understand what you’re doing and the importance of your work. A Brand Messaging Project will ensure your brand is clearly defined (or redefined) and infuse your organization’s mission with a consistent visual brand identity.
If your messaging isn’t up to date, Catchafire projects can result in unexpected outcomes (though that is not always a bad thing).The Sherwood Institute for example listed big projects to move the organization forward such as a Fundraising Plan and Storytelling Project. After getting matched with Catchafire professionals (one with 20 years of experience leading nonprofits), it was quickly apparent they had to take a step back before tackling projects like a Fundraising Plan. Catchafire professionals guided the organization through exercises to clearly define their brand’s story so they were prepared to more effectively tackle a Fundraising Plan.

  • It feels like everyone around you keeps saying it is time to take a step back

Is your board insistent upon revisiting your business plan? Is your Catchafire Account Manager suggesting that it may be worth it to revisit your direction? Even if your organization has been around for a decade, it can still be valuable to revisit your Mission, Vision, Values. Take The SAMFund’s Brochure Project for example, “I don’t think we would have been in as strong of a position starting out our Brochure if we hadn’t done [the Vision and Mission Review & Brand Messaging projects] first. It gave us greater confidence going forward with the other projects. Catchafire forced us to take a good hard look at our organization, and it was well worth it.”
Re-evaluating your mission and brand aren’t the only relevant projects you can tackle when taking a step back. If your team continues asking questions related to big picture direction, allow our professionals to map out your direction so that you are prepared with actions to reach your goals with a strategy session, organizational design or operating budget.

  • Your programs are not yielding the projected results

If your numbers aren’t adding up and Program Managers aren’t exactly sure why, go back and analyze them using a SWOT Analysis project. This will help you gain clarity on your organization’s specific strategic position and give you the assessment you need to invigorate your programs with a new strategic direction.

  • You can’t shake the feeling that you could be getting more from your board

Usually when you can’t stop thinking about something its because there is probably some truth to it. Use your next Catchafire project slot to elevate your board. Reviewing your current board’s policies and procedures is a great way to identify where your strengths are and where you can collaboratively improve so everyone is aligned on how to move forward in the most effective way. Projects such as Board Assessment can also influence your future Board recruitment and ensure that you are getting as much as you can out of your board. Interested in this topic? Keep reading about Getting More Out of Your Board on our Blog.

If you have any questions about which project to list next, email our Account Managers at



The Catchafire Team
Catchafire Blog

We are the Nonprofit Advisor team at Catchafire constantly meeting and working with incredible nonprofit organizations across the globe.