Why I built Catelus

Armen Suny
Published in
1 min readDec 2, 2016

I like to build shit, more than that even I like to buy domain names.

Luckily the two of them often go hand in hand. You build something cool, well then by golly do you want a cool name for it.

But even for a person as clever and creative as I like to tell people I am, coming up with names can be a pain in the ass.

I’m also a self professed polyglot, just another feather I like to put in my Walmart fedora, so when I couldn't think of names, historically I would go through the exhaustive process of:

  • Picking a keyword relevant to my project. For Catelus I ran through the words: Name, title, hound dog, and ultimately puppy
  • Going to google translate and picking a language: I tried German, I tried Russian, I tried Armenian, Latvian and ultimately Romanian.
  • Translating my keyword into the aforementioned languages to see which ones ‘sounded cool’
  • Then laboriously checking to see if “my-word-in-German.com” was available.
  • Often times it was not! Which meant I had to begin the process anew.

Because this process was boring and lame and in general unchill I wrote out the very beginnings of catelus.com

It does all of that shit for you. So it takes your word, translates it into more than 30 fucking languages then checks to see if “those-translations.com” are being used.


