A Grain of Truth
Embracing truth
I planted a grain of truth in the sand today.
I worked like a farmer, digging a hedge around it and erecting a tower over it to watch my grain sprout.
The evergreen tree required watering, pruning, and weeding.
I stand in the watch tower to appreciate the pruning and weeding done in its early years, as my grain produced a lot of fruit during harvest time.
Author's note
Truth can only be cultivated, even if you have every reason to conceal it. It is preferable to speak the truth in love than to keep it hidden because you believe the person you are concealing it from loves you.
Speaking the truth releases people from the burden of having to live with it, whether it be in private or public.
Truth liberates me, which is why I adore it.
Grow the truth and allow your grain to bear much fruit. The rewards you receive will satisfy your deepest desires, so you will not need to recall what you said or how hard you worked.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Once Said,
"We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter. Half the truth is often a great lie."