Member-only story
Acceptance| Prompt
My Ex, the Energy Sucking Vampire
Accepting the 99% Chance He Won’t Change
I once read this somewhere about a narcissist: “You’re not dealing with someone who is trying to overcome their demons. You’re dealing with someone who is committed to concealing them.”
How true, when my ex attempted therapy all he could harp on was how unreasonable I was. No surprise there — he’s a master of blame-shifting because narcissists can't accept anything is wrong with them.
My point is they never change.
It’s like a scorpion — will it stop stinging just because of the tears you cried, the pain you endured, or the absence of support after its strike? No, because stinging is inherent to its nature. You can’t change that. But you could accept the reality of the situation instead of holding out hope that one day they’ll recognize the damage they’ve caused and change their ways.
For that to happen, they would need remorse, which they sorely lack.
In the early days of our marriage, he told me about a girlfriend he had loved deeply and wanted to marry but she broke up with him within a few months, calling him crazy. She was the smart one — she saw him for who he really was and ran.