
Free verse

A.H. Mehr
Catharsis Chronicles
1 min readMay 21, 2024


Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

When inhaling deep breaths of grief, I write.

I write through covert distresses and a quiet ache.
When an implicit pain perches smugly, I write.

I write in broken moments of faith.
In a worn-out weather, I write.

I write through moments of disgrace.
When my ruins roar and whimper, I write.

I write when I am terribly silent.
When I silently sob, I write.

I write when climes are hostile.
When my inner silence weeps, I write.

I write when I am tired of trying to live.
When my roots of existence cry, I write.

I write when a moment of clarity withers.
When my strong heart shatters, I write.

I write through the voidness of my dawn.
When my painful dusk is filtering, I write.

I write when dried carcasses of past encase me.

While concealing my stifles and sniffles, I write.
I write through hissing darkness.

When brightest of lights shine, I write.

All Rights Reserved
© A.H. Mehr — 2024

With thanks to Edward Swafford and Chrysa Stergiou for publishing my work.



A.H. Mehr
Catharsis Chronicles

Graphophile - In a small way, but loving this aesthete's journey.