Dangling My Toes with God in the Cosmic Stream
A haibun
just above the ground of being, flows a music, with stars for notes, and epochs for measures — I stick my toe, in this cosmic stream, sitting on the banks of consciousness, God, sitting by my side. we smile, at the tingling of creation, like so many fish, nibbling our toes, our smiles, merge into One.
bathing in waters
of cosmic proportions
fearful ideas
motes of nonsense
— Janaka Stagnaro
Thank you for reading. This was my first attempt at a haibun, inspired by the wonderful poet Sally A Mortemore, who quoted the following:
What is a Haibun — Haibun is a poetry form that combines a haiku with a prose poem. Haibun prose is usually descriptive. It uses sparse, poetic imagery to evoke a sensory impression in the reader. The section of prose is then followed by a haiku that serves to deepen the meaning of the prose, either by intensifying its themes or serving as a juxtaposition to the prose’s content.