Have You Ever Felt Passion?

But, really felt it?

Catharsis Chronicles
2 min readAug 12, 2024


The universe
Photo by Sotiris Savvides on Unsplash :)

In this boundless realm of stars and atoms, we exist.

Aimlessly roaming the fields with purpose, cultivating relationships that we believe will last a lifetime.

Amidst my journeys, I’ve met a lot of extraordinary people. Loved, hated, and felt pain. As we all.

Lately, I’ve once again experienced a feeling, more overwhelming than the rest.


Have you ever really felt it?

The burning sensation of your heart, yearning for something, or someone.

It’s a feeling, I reckon, that cannot be compared with anything else in this infinite world.

How does it feel — you might ask.

‘It’s when you cannot wrap your head around your feelings. It’s when your whole essence aches when you find your body unable to experience what it oughts. And, frankly, it’s when you know that the source of your passionate feeling, gives you life. Whether it’s a person or a hobby, you will feel an intense weight dragging your soul down in their absence, and in their presence, you will be ecstatic. Ecstatic, for you have found your method of moving forth in life happy. Never let that activity or that person go’ — I answer.

And I tell you, that only whence you have experienced true passion, you can tell that everything else has been a whiff in the aether; meaningless, tasteless, and perhaps sour.

So, go out there, find your spark, and let the fire burn.

