How I Deal with Burnout

What is your secret recipe for refueling yourself?

Connie Song
Catharsis Chronicles
2 min readJul 5, 2024


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your brain gets bombarded with thoughts every 3.8 seconds Created by author on Canva Pro

To me, burnout is a sign of exhaustion.

Here’s some things I do when I’m on the brink or over the edge.

Disclaimer: check with your medical physician before trying something new that might have serious side effects or coincidentally be damaging to your arteries, heart, kidneys, liver, intestines, glucose levels, etc. I’m serious.
Best not to mess with your health.

  • manuka honey — less than half a teaspoon every once in a while. It seems to boost my immune system. Never overdo. My sugar is not bad, but I learned a lesson when I was enjoying apple juice a while back.
  • When it was time for my annual physical, my weight and sugar numbers were super elevated. The doctor asked me what was new in my diet and I immediately isolated apple juice as the culprit. I cut it out entirely
    and my biometrics and stats went back to normal. So, be careful with the apple juice and the honey.
  • sea moss gel. Never heard of it before, but a little bit of it cleared my friend’s acne and gave her more energy. I take less than half a teaspoon, every now and then and feel better. I don’t overdo it. I started recently, so I haven’t checked it out with the doctor yet. But he’s the one who pushes pills and meds for acid reflux and stuff when all I needed to do was cut down on the caffeine, drink more water, and not lie down right after eating.
  • vitamin B12. I don’t take vitamins every day. But an occasional B12 seems to energize me. It could be in my head, but I heard there’s a scientific basis for this thinking.
  • sage tea. and water. I’m a cokehead (coca-cola), which is so bad for you, bloats your fat cells and I had to give it up. I’m allergic to artificial sweeteners, so Diet Coke is out. Lucky me. But I adore the taste of chilled water. Still water, never bubbly. Sage tea puts me in a zen-like state. It’s sublime for a change. Also, thin orange slices refresh my mood and perk me up. The scent alone.
  • exercise. like a walk around the block. Ten times.
  • netflix. or the equivalent. restores your overtaxed brain waves.

Tell me, what’s something you like to do to deal with low energy or burnout?

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Connie Song
Catharsis Chronicles

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