An I am poem

Chrysa Stergiou
Catharsis Chronicles
2 min readAug 24, 2024


Mother holding her daughter in her arms, tenderly kissing her under her hat.
Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

I am an old soul looking for my sun, but all I can see is the moon.
I wonder what the future holds for us, baby, and how long I will be with you.
I hear my mind seeking answers but I do not have any!
I feel my body falling apart but I stand on my feet trying to hide that.
I want to see my daughter grow up, study, get married, have children.
I pretend I am always happy but I fight with depression inside.
I touch her hair and quickly wipe my tears before she sees them.
I understand I have already surpassed every possible limit.
I say I will make it, and most of the time I even believe that.
I dream that someday the pain will stop forever one way or another.
I try to be strong and keep others happy around me.
I wish I could have the chance to get old.
I hope, I just Hope, I will be there for her as long as possible.

Dedicated to my daughter, who stands by me through everything.
We seem to have made it a challenge. Janaka Stagnaro started it, Mary



Chrysa Stergiou
Catharsis Chronicles

I am an early retired teacher with 27 years of experience. My profession gave me a sense of purpose and resiliency to overcome so many obstacles I had to face.