Relentless Resolve | Unyielding Spirit

I Am the Iron in Rust

Root, Ember, Grit

Catharsis Chronicles


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I am the iron
buried deep in the earth
scarred by the relentless grind of time’s teeth
worn by the weight of a world that forgets my strength
but I endure
my body may rust
turning into something the eye dismisses as decay
but beneath this surface
there is resilience
a core that never bends

Photo by Baesil on Unsplash (with edits)

I am the root
tangled in the soil
where darkness hides its fertile secrets
Gnarled and twisted by the struggle to survive for breath
yet I feed the tall towering oak
The world sees only the mighty trunk and spreading branches
But I know the power of what grows in the shadows
where only few dare to look

Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash (with edits)

I am the ember
not yet a flame but burning with a heat that smolders
A slow.. ..steady burn that eats away at the cold
turning ash into fertile ground
Others may see only the dying glow
but I am the promise of warmth
the spark that could ignite a forest
bringing light to where night reigns

Photo by Marc Zimmer on Unsplash (with edits)

I am the river
winding through the land
carving canyons with a patient force
My waters may be muddy
stirred by the storms I have faced
but they still flow
Even when the world builds dams to hold me back
I find a way through
Leaving behind valleys rich with life
where deserts once spread their dust

Photo by Zeynep Sümer on Unsplash (with edits)

I am the vast and open sky
bruised by the clouds that gather like latent doubts
But I am not weighed down by their heaviness
for I am the wind that clears them
The sun that breaks through
setting the alarm of the world that light always returns
Even when the night seems endless and the stars are swallowed by shadows

Photo by Nikolett Emmert on Unsplash (with edits)

I am the seed
buried deep beneath the snow
forgotten by those who cannot wait
But I bide my time
knowing that winter is but a passing guest in my life
And when the thaw comes
I will rise
breaking through the frozen ground
opening bloom that defies the frost
bringing color where there was only white

I am the iron in rust
the root in dark soil
the ember in ash
the river in flood
I am the sky bruised by clouds
the seed beneath snow
always waiting…
for the moment when I will rise
when I will break free
when I will become
something more than what the world ever believed I could be

© Tamanna_Verma 2024

Explore Golden Shovel Poems —
(Conceived by Terrance Hayes, skillfully embed the words of admired poets into new verses, creating a bridge between homage and innovation :)

Golden Shovel Poetry

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Catharsis Chronicles

Poetic Dreamer | Faithful soul traveling with thoughts | Culture-loving seeker of wisdom & transcendence, here to learn & grow with words | 2^4+1