Let Grief Be a Guest If It Can’t Leave

Free Verse

A.H. Mehr
Catharsis Chronicles
2 min readSep 7, 2024


a beautiful black rose with dewdrops on a black background
Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash


Most of my evenings are average sort
of (one of those) that begin with
a leftover warmth of the sun and
which start to cool down.


As grief graces and glances
over my shoulder, I urge myself
to befriend nature - for the regularity
of it we so ignore - to see and hear
of more miracles, unique:

Like the squawking sounds of
dark-brown starlings with wings
of white markings…
in well-timed pauses.
Even from afar, they sound
quite harmonious: A harmony
which we, despite humanity,
fail to make known!

If I glare hard at a black-faced
yellow canary perching on thick-green
leaves of a tree near my window,
I see oodles of calmness in its posture:
A calm which we often lack!



A.H. Mehr
Catharsis Chronicles

Graphophile - In a small way, but loving this aesthete's journey.