Like the Warm Morning Sun

Free Verse

A.H. Mehr
Catharsis Chronicles
1 min readSep 3, 2024


a stunning image of a lovely rising morning sun and light blue sky
Photo by Nicole Anne Pandacan on Unsplash

I’ve been chiseled from clays of
characteristic challenges and
fierce battles of rainstorms.

There’s each day afresh to start over.
I ward off my lingering lassitude.
I persist gently…

Lackluster moments and depleted hope
push me to peripheries only I know.
I try to find meaning in life:
to all the “Why’s,” If’s” and “But’s,”
and to all the “ensuing uproar.”

While I ruminate, gluey and
cloudy soils clasp me again.
I peel their speckles patiently with
a belief of beliefs.

Self-doubt rages within me.
I calm down and command
the flow of my breath.

I’m used to this bedlam now.
I merge with the rainstorms.

Feelings of doom and doubt are set aside.



A.H. Mehr
Catharsis Chronicles

Graphophile - In a small way, but loving this aesthete's journey.