Listen to Your Heart…

The heart has no brain, but it thinks and always makes the best decisions…

Catharsis Chronicles
Jun 25, 2024


Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

Listen to your heart and cry,
When you feel that it’s hard…
Banish the pain from your soul
And it won’t come back always.

Listen to your heart and laugh,
When you are happy…
Don’t lose the moments
When life has pleased you.

Listen to your heart smiling,
Even when life hits you…
Move forward stepping straight,
And your soul will be redeemed.

Listen to your heart pulsing,
See that you live through it…
And carry love in your mind
And it will also comfort you.

Listen to your heart and pray
When you have many troubles…
Draw closer to divinity,
So God may help you.

Listen to your heart always,
Embrace with gentleness,
Everything given by God
And life around brightens.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

