The Girl Who Will Never Give Up Writing

Remember how to live

Khadija Amjad
Catharsis Chronicles
2 min readJun 27, 2024


Photo by nik radzi on Unsplash

Life reminds us that it is simple and that our fretful running to catch happiness can’t be any more ridiculous.

After all, you find happiness in a squeeze of the hand when you’re collapsing, and in a hug when you are on the verge of an outburst. You can find relief in stargazing with someone who shares your sky of silence and sighs. You can find it when you pray in your own way. Look at the night, look at the day… how empty and how full. You work yourself up and kill yourself with thoughts, you worry about how to spend the next month and how to save money, you worry about a tomorrow you don’t own.

You worry about a fate you haven’t reached yet. You enclose yourself in a nutshell of condemnation. You stop picking up the phone and you give excuses to your friends if you have them at all. And that’s okay, it’s okay to have some time alone and try to figure things out. But don’t stay there. Never stay there. Get out as soon as possible and breathe. Let hands reach you, let light reach you, let air reach you, let life touch you. We don’t only fix by thinking, we don’t only heal by buring our souls. And happiness isn’t anywhere far.

Come over, join me up the hill, and let’s see the fading lights of a sleepy town and remember how to live.

