poetry / free verse/ekphrasis

Too Late to Still the Wind

The shackles

Pseu Pending (Seu)
Catharsis Chronicles


My mother’s teenage artwork* / Author’s archive

what is the tree thinking
watching you disguised
in ballooning blue robes
cool air of freedom buoying
your skin
the S — a — i — l
the B — o — a — t
there must be a way
O — U — T~~~

whistling wind
ascending waves
even the rock grotto
R — i — s — i — n — g

you knew all along
none of the shackles matter

I didn’t

there isn’t a time when I see the word
an ache doesn’t devour my heart
cloudy eyes look into blank space
a drop hangs from the nose
it isn’t an allergy

you. dressed. wandering. missed
where we were supposed to meet
frustration. anger
why did I SCOLD you
why did I not hug instantly
your warm back. hunched over

from years of toil.

and say
Mom. I was worried sick.

you didn’t care for cell phones
you didn’t care about the gourmet lunch
you only wanted to see me

loneliness. jealousy. oh you knew
stepmother’s wrath
your trophies thundered. writhing on the floor
s — m — a — s — h — e — d

isolation. living under someone’s roof
upstream. The only girl
in a boys’ school

fear. desperation
cap ‘n gown
dodging bombs. war sirens
s — c — r — e — a — m — i — n — g
most of the faculty missing

outrage. pity
marrying an artist
you shouldn’t have

oh, you knew. you knew.
your rebellious paintbrush
knew. gales carrying your determined body
to a world you dreamt of

you knew. you knew
you loved
you weren’t in disguise
hair swept away from the world’s tangles
sacred space in howling currents knew
your face. beyond beauty
your soul. luminous generosity
you. finally unshackled~~~

for not hugging you instantly. Mom
forgive me. forgive me
forgive me
f — o — r — g — i — v — e
m — e

my shackles

© Pseu Pending (Seu) 2024

*This lost painting is one of 52, returned to our family after my mother passed away.

If Ever We Survived

19 stories



Pseu Pending (Seu)
Catharsis Chronicles

Leisure is a path to the thinking process. Museum Educator/ Contemporary Art Researcher/ Lover of the culinary arts. Top writer in Poetry, Art, Food, Creativity