A glimpse into Quarantine

Monisha Khurana
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2020
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

A new ritual has been set into place,

Where everyone is confined in their own space,

Just like a tortoise moves into its shell,

As soon as the slightest of harm it smells,

All wrapped up in a daze,

For umpteen weeks and days,

Majorly living within four walls,

And abiding all the social distancing laws,

When wandering in the streets and fields,

Covering the face with masks and shields,

And maintaining a certain distance,

From all sort of things and beings,

Seems to be an intransigent persistence,

Which in turn is thoroughly shattering,

The essence of all social gatherings,

As now all feel like a pariah,

Be it Mia or Mariah,

While it leaves the extroverts terrified,

It forms an introvert’s paradise,

It seems the global norms are being set in reverse,

Be it a blessing or a curse!



Monisha Khurana

Realizing fantasies… | Poetising Life | Developer | UI/UX Expert | SAP, Walldorf | Germany | India