Aeloplane Aeyoplane

Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2020
Photo by Jordan Sanchez on Unsplash

“Aeloplane! Aeyoplane!
Aeloplane!! Aeyoplane!!”

The children have gathered in their small groups
Coated in dust
Chanting their war cry with their small voices
Arms flailing as they chase the metal box in the sky

It’s impossible to not join in their excitement
Their voices almost drowning out that of the engine
Who would believe they haven’t seen food since yesterday?
Some falling, getting back up, running again and chanting still aeyoplane

I too silently chant with them aeyoplane, aeloplane. Aeyoplane, aeloplane
Hoping that one day it will take them far from this place
Their running has come to a halt. The metal box now hidden in the sky
The sound of the engine now a figment of their imagination

They start returning home, as their voices dies down singing
“Aeyoplane bye bye
Aeloplane bye bye”




Wellness and Mental Health Writer ♡ Self improvement koala♡ Inflexible yogi ♡ Occasional poet ♡ Wine and Jazz addict