Blobs that Roll Down

Saumya Hariharan
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2021

( You become too tired to sustain)

Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

It rains, close to thunder bolts,
The cage from where my heart weeps,
too much for it’s bars to hold.

Snow encapsulates the stiffness of wool,
which fails, even to keep me warm
Frozen blood is seldom respected after all,
That too when it selflessly fought against harm.

You cannot crave for reciprocity
no two beings share fingerprints and essence
Trading happiness and returning tearfully,
Such a phenomenon has never really made sense…

All you crave
is to live and let go,
forgive and forget ,
friends and even a foe .
Wiping the sodium-filled water
Gushing down my pink glass cheeks
Like someone criticizing a mountain,
which is strong,
although devoid of sharp peaks.

Do the job your conscience tells you,
Pray without expecting other prayers to pray for you
Probably such is the potion to peace
Probably this magic recipe is wherein,
My unfathomed tears will be at ease.



Saumya Hariharan

Psychology , Dance, Observations , Creative Cognitions ,Poems and New Thoughts are always in my juice!!