Changing color of the clouds

Nature’s ever-changing spectacle

Somsubhra Banerjee
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2020


Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

why, why do the clouds look so much more beautiful,
with those last rays of the sun coloring its borders,
in that lively orange hue?

the very next moment,

why, why does the greyness of the cloud,
so much more profound now, when the sun has set,
all those glorious borders vanished,
the sky looking dull and clattered?
covering itself in a blanket of darkness,
that blip in time before the moon arrives?

and the very next moment,

what sorcery does the sky keep playing?
as the moon appears, shining brightly,
the clouds, now colored in a mystical silver hue,
shining like never before, and you can just marvel,
marvel at the playfulness of mother nature!



Somsubhra Banerjee

A heart that finds solace in mountains, the whispers of old buildings, silences, books, poetry and football.