Ready, Set? Go!

It’s time

Hope Coalesce


Photo by Simona Todorova on Unsplash

Just laugh the laugh, you’ve earned it.

Everything is seeking expression. Even pain, and that is why you feel it. Everything has its own vibe. Everything has its own mood and will display inside of you exactly what it is.

Take Happiness, is she not ultra giddy? Her playfulness is intoxicating. She lifts everything inside of you and causes herself to be seen and heard through your voice, laughter, and body expressions. She speaks that good talk. She floats and moves like a leaf in the wind, traveling towards so much more quite like her. She heals. She is accompanied by Peace. She is pure bliss. But when she is silenced, another speaks. Would that be Doubt? Pain? Fear? See, they’re a whole vibe and have their own mood too.

Understand that you are the holder of all things. If Fear and Captivity is in you, then Bravery and Freedom is too! Let Bravery speak. He has something to say. He can do all things! He can take you to so many places. He can cause your eyes to see greater things.

If Pain is in you, Healing is too. Have Doubt and No Confidence? Well Confidence And Certainty are also right there inside of you, waiting and ready to be expressed by YOU. Let’s not forget about their best friend Opportunity. Have you seen how beautiful they are together? They create the most…



Hope Coalesce

I am a “Heal From The Past And Live The Life Of Your Dreams” enthusiast. Writer. Poet. Lover of love, and this journey.