How to Write Poetry?

Your ultimate guide!

Navya Gupta


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

If you’re looking for bullet points that will magically make you a poet then sorry to break this to you but this piece is not for you. Asking how to write poetry is like asking how to speak — I cannot explain. I can teach you in theory but the real emotion-stirring poetry flows naturally… as natural as the air we breathe and the heart that beats… Oops! Did not mean to sound poetic here ;)

  • If you are a Grammar Nazi, I respect you but being so in Poetry — ah! won’t it defeat the whole purpose of expressing yourself through the power of words? Poetry makes us free — isn’t being a Grammar Nazi all about rules? I’d rather save them for my 9–5 blog posts or copies.
  • I like my poetry raw — sometimes, I do not even feel like editing it because that’ll mean I am letting my mind come in between the articulation of my heart. I want my heart to speak up without my thoughts interfering. There is a psychoanalytic technique in Psychology called ‘free association’ — it is all about expressing yourself without any filters or censors (in a very layman language). That is how I’d like to perceive my poetry — just want to voice my heart.
  • Deep, sappy, dark, depressing — look out for people who label your poetry or you with such words/adjectives. Don’t let this stop you from unleashing the real YOU by weaving words…



Navya Gupta

I am a 100-year-old soul stuck in the body of a 20-something… Connect with me on Instagram - unwor_d