
Story of a new beginning

Aug 12, 2020


Photo by Lÿv Jaan on Unsplash

Awaiting your souls presence on earth,
before I knew you,
before I saw you,
uncontainable love, overflowing

Wind rustled in my hair as I sped down the freeway
red leaves shedding from the trees all around,
“Luna-Winter” the text message I received
sweet moon-moon,
true to your name you illuminate the darkness
mirroring the sun
shining fearlessly in the night sky

Energy palpable, as I crept into the room
wrapped tightly in a blanket, sound asleep
heavenly encounter, imprinted on my soul
aroma of a new beginning poured out of you
caressing the softness of your skin
fragility of your being
your eyes painted a picture
one of trust and peace

Divine love,
angelic spirit
ebb and flow
cyclic nature of life
contained in your 7 pound vessel

Born into a world of severe thunderstorms and magical rainbows
Hoping the latter fills your existence
5 years later
The foundation in which you will build your life upon

The kingdom of heaven is within you
sow and reap bountifully
harvesting abundance to share with the world
intertwined, your hand in mine

may you always remember
you are one with life.




Write about emotions + universal human experience ❣️