Mum, My Muse

Published in
1 min readJul 12, 2020

Did I ever tell you,

You are the foundation?

Don’t know about constellation

But you have weaved us into an awestruck creation!

They will only see

towering heights,

Shining lights

But what about those scary nights?

Faces uptight?

Will that balance out the Nitrite?

Never wait for the knight

Be your searchlight.

That’s your insight;

Which made our imaginations to ignite.

Loving without fear,

letting it caress all the wear and tear.

Setting an example by being a pioneer,

keeping good memories as souvenirs.

You made all of that crystal clear.

Shuddering away all the prejudices,

Making us brave enough to make choices,

Uplifting our minds to not make us our nemesis.

If I could I would, choose you;

time and again.

Won’t let your sacrifices go in vain.

Will try to help others to reduce their pain,

eventually not letting the hope drain.





22 | Finance student | Enthralled by energy and curiosity.