
Secret of Happiness

Silence of the Mind
1 min readAug 3, 2020


Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

All we know in this world is something which you and I both know very well. But you also know that we both know about our knowledge of the something we know in this world.

Now does knowing or not knowing what you know or not know matter to anyone? Or does what someone know or not know of what they know or not know matter to you? Because there isn’t any harm in knowing or not knowing what one knows or doesn’t know; there is always something that we don’t know or there is simply something we know, which basically is nothing.

If ‘nothing’ was all that we needed to know or actually not know — bear with me now — then I believe we know or don’t know quite a bit of knowing or not knowing the ultimate — nothing. So if we know or don’t know quite a bit of knowing or not knowing nothing, then have we learnt anything new about knowing or not knowing nothing?

Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this, explore another of my piece too.



Silence of the Mind

'Words' are something with a predefined meaning. Can u really know a person simply by words in the bio they have to offer?