Our Love is Like the Seasons

Transient, yet permanent

Navya Gupta
1 min readJul 5, 2020


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Seasons never die
But they change
As they pass by
My love for you is
Like seasons of the world
Ephemeral, yet imperishable

Our love is like December snow
Sometimes we are cold
Other times we are brittle
Sometimes we are sore and bitter
Even then we fearlessly fiddle
Our love still smiles
But does it freeze a while?

Can you defy the law of nature?
When winter leaves, spring follows
It melts the brittle snow
Its warmth, it lets us wallow
Basking in the vibrant colours
The soothing scent of the world
Brings in gentle sweet smell of trust
Nurture the seeds, we must

Our love is like the blazing sunlight
You can’t hold it in a jar
It spreads and spreads and spreads
Even to worlds, far and far
It’s boundless, limitless, measureless
It runs its natural course and rests

Our love is like the leaves of the fall
They shed, wither, decay
Change colours, they may
But they only die to reawaken
Stronger, fresher, and unshaken
It’s time to shed the pale, weak fronds
And embrace our love that lies beyond



Navya Gupta

I am a 100-year-old soul stuck in the body of a 20-something… Connect with me on Instagram - unwor_d