To You My Beloved

Saumya Hariharan
Published in
Mar 8, 2021
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

It is indeed gold
Your image in my heart.
Splashes of your essence
which is secure and bold
Wanting to vent it all,
In that beautiful heart
with which you forgive and withhold.

Seeking true love
An everlasting friendship through rough hurdles
Just hope my feelings don’t go too above
Just wish we have enough or more water
To splash off
the tragic debts of life’s mysterious muddles.

Wanting to tell you so many things
Secretly wishing you don’t get bored
Not knowing if such a feeling reciprocates
Hoping my mind voice is so loud
Which heavily chants of the fear
Of being just a one-sided ear

Of burning the nightmares that devoid you being aboard
Of just being a yearning queen
Searching for her beloved ,on her devastated chess-board.



Saumya Hariharan

Psychology , Dance, Observations , Creative Cognitions ,Poems and New Thoughts are always in my juice!!