Photo by Dmitry Schemelev on Unsplash


Madhurima Sarkar
Published in
1 min readAug 6, 2020


Why do you ignore my cries of plea?

Simply to please your own narcissistic soul

Or to crush my own miserably?

I have tried time and again

To leave it all behind

To go round a full circle

To turn back time

Do you know not how much I have cried?

The simmering pain in my heart

The slowly bleeding wounds

That painted the tiled floors blood brown

Have now turned into scars.

I write poetry now

To erase my pain,

To provide myself the closure I never got

Was it my fault all along?

Why was I the one

Who had to lose,

To experience pain

For your dirty desires?

I was a pawn

In your game of chess

You stopped at nothing

To break my already broken self

— but now I forget why was I ever drawn to you?

