Figure Drawing

Catherine Liu
Catherine’s Collaborative Visualizing
5 min readFeb 22, 2021

2/20/21: Gesture drawing studies

While drawing the figures below, I focused on capturing the figure’s motion through the use of a line of action and quick linework. Most of these figures were done quickly (between 30 seconds and 2 minutes). While experimenting with different surfaces of a Conte crayon, I was able to comfortably create a variety of figures on newsprint.

Conte crayon drawings on newsprint

However, when I switched to using Copic markers in my sketchbook, I found that both the medium and the paper size restricted me. I felt that a Copic marker was stiffer and had less variety in the darkness of marks. Additionally, while the newsprint allowed me to use my whole arm while drawing, I found myself only using my forearm while drawing in my sketchbook. I believe this made my lines look stiffer.

Marker drawings in my 8.5 x 11 Rendr sketchbook

2/22/21: In-class studies

In class, we reviewed some example figure drawings and discussed a variety of criteria when both posing and drawing. Namely, proportion, movement, balance/ posture, and tension. While keeping these elements in mind, I experimented more with the complexity of my drawings, degree of completion, and medium.

2/23/21: Refined studies

more figure studies
set of figure sketches including final pose

I chose this final stretching pose as I liked how the motion can be described with a single fluid stroke from the fingertips to the toes. I also felt that this figure has fairly accurate proportions.

2/25/21: In class notes

In-class notes

2/28/21: Study of movement sequence

For my movement, I decided to draw someone sitting down and leaning back into a chair.

Starting pose: standing by chair

Middle pose: sitting into chair

End pose: leaning back into chair

I observed my classmate sitting down and took reference photos to draw.

reference pictures: side view and 3/4 view
studies of side view
side view drawing attempt 1
side view drawing attempt 2
studies of 3/4 view
3/4 view attempt 1
3/4 view attempt 2

As I was drawing, I found it hard to keep everything in proportion. Between each drawing in the sequence, my person would be a different size, and I struggled to draw the chair in proportion to the person. Even in my second attempt at the 3/4 view, I still drew my person too tall in comparison to the chair.

3/2/21: Interaction with object

practicing drawings shopping carts in perspective
planning out 3 stage interaction (pushing a cart)
experimenting with different baseball poses

3/6/21: Interaction with Object part 2

cart and perspective studies done on newsprint with conte crayon
reference photos
more detailed action studies done on newsprint with conte crayon and on printer paper with marker and pen
final sequence drawings done with pencil and pen

3/9/21: Interaction with object part 3

