Is God Pro-Choice? Choose Life That You and Your Descendants May Live

He’s the last pro-choicer because the rest of us want what we want: The difference between a right and an exception?

Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home


Photo by Joseph Serwach.

Is God pro-choice? Yes, because God is love, the ultimate choice — explaining God’s Great Gamble. He also hopes you choose life.

“God wanted His newborn creatures to have a choice so they could choose to love Him freely,” Father Dwight Longenecker explains. “Love must be chosen. It cannot be forced. If love is forced, it is not love. Therefore, without choice, there is no evil, but without choice, there is also no love.”

Is the gamble essential? For love “to be chosen, there must be an option not to love. Therefore, God gave His children the power to choose, and with the power to choose comes the possibility of choosing poorly.”

Seven key lessons the Church teaches about choice:

1. Everything is a gift (except your sins)

Everything in your life and the Universe is a gift from God. Your talent and accomplishments? All gifts from God. The only thing we create without God’s involvement? Your sin. Sin, by definition, is an archery term meaning “missing…



Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.