She Grabbed the Body of Christ, Calling Him a Cookie:

So the Priest Bit Her?

This Florida priest bit a woman to defend the Eucharist: We all doubt until we are filled with His Body, Blood, and the Holy Spirit

Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home
Published in
11 min readMay 25, 2024


Image by Trung Phan from Pixabay

It’s all about the Eucharist. Father Fidel Rodriguez — the priest who bit a woman — shows that the Body of Christ is sacred.

“I bit her — I am not denying that,” Father Fidel told police in a videotaped statement. “I was defending myself and the sacrament.”

Most media — and too many believers — don’t understand (or comprehend) Catholic reverence for God and his Eucharist, so most headlines screamed, “Priest Bites Woman After Refusing Her Communion at Mass.”

A beloved non-Catholic sent me the ABC News story, “Priest Bites Woman’s Hand.” Her powerful question: “Body of Christ?”

The London Daily Mail had the most photos but really didn’t get it at all: “A Florida priest is arrested after BITING woman in bizarre fight over communion.”

The Associated Press ran the most objective (and accurate) headline: “Florida priest accused of biting woman who grabbed Holy Communion wafers during Mass.

The parable of the priest…



Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.