The Builder: St. Joseph and the Long Lost Arts of Fatherhood, Manliness

Why form a family? Why build something of your own? The first shall be last

Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home


The Holy Family sculpture in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Photo by Joseph Serwach.

Why form a household? The amazing Holy Family sculpture created by South Carolina artist Wayne Edwards shows the story of family and fatherhood.

You first see the father, St. Joseph, towering over his little family (and our own) from a distance. Growing closer, you sense the devotion of his teenage wife Mary lovingly looking up to Heaven (but also to Joseph). Both completely trust God’s Plan.

Less is more. As you look closer at Mary, you finally spot baby Jesus, who is sleeping peacefully, knowing He’s in their care.

That is the Holy Family's essence: mother, father, and child — three very different people with very different roles coming together to form something bigger than themselves.

Mary and Joseph knew from the angels they had a higher mission, a greater purpose.

The inscription below the statue explains the Holy Family is “The everlasting symbol of love.”

Like the Trinity itself, the family and its members are three — and one:

  • Joseph, “the model for all mankind, father, and protector of the family, faith, and truth.”



Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.