The Real Meaning of Religion: A Binding Relationship, Reconnecting

The real reason non-believers don’t trust or believe in happily ever? They always need an escape hatch, ways to end, terminate relationships

Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home


Few know the true meaning of religion: the Latin root Ligare means “to bind.” Religare leads you to re-bind, re-connect, renew, and relationship.

“The word ‘religion’ means literally a binding relationship,” scholar Peter Kreeft explains in his new book, Food for the Soul. “Religion is a relationship. It is like a road on which two parties meet.”

True romantics consider a binding eternal relationship comforting, something certain they can count on and depend upon. Others always seek an escape hatch, easier ways to terminate relationships.

All relationships offer three possibilities

In all human relationships, there are three possibilities, Kreeft argues:

  1. First, if neither side has patience with the other, the relationship is doomed to get worse and worse.
  2. If only one of the people has patience, the relationship can persist, but it is not peaceful.
  3. If both have patience, the relationship can grow…



Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.