This Ancient Homily Reveals His Plan

What is happening on Holy Saturday? Today there is a great silence over the earth

Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home


The Harrowing of Hell from Sotheby’s London via Wikimedia Commons.

What is happening on Holy Saturday? The revelation of God’s Plan.

Jesus Christ was a spotless victim of history’s worst form of torture and execution. But Jesus was also a hunter/predator setting a brilliant trap to destroy death: the devil’s plans.

God’s great gamble: Everything God created is a gift, but he also made humanity in his own image, giving us the god-like power to choose, to choose love (which is God), or to choose the opposite.

When given a choice to choose God’s Plan or our own, we often choose “my way” over “Thy Way.” That’s the original sin we keep repeating, and the first angel to advocate “my way” became the prince of earth’s darkness.

The prince of darkness wins whenever he convinces us, “My way is better than God’s Way.”

God’s Plan: God became a vulnerable man who would live among men, who could be just like us (literally walk in our shoes) and be able to die — so he could go to hell to set his people free.

Here’s the rest of the story of Holy Saturday revealed in an ancient homily from the earliest days of the Church.



Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.