This Holy Week is Like the First One

How death is defeated: “You were born for this moment’’

Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home


Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash

As it was in the beginning: the world turned upside down then stopped, shut down. Fear and betrayal — doubt and death — terrorized the world. They stayed at home until darkness was penetrated by light.

“You are not alive, right now, by chance,’’ Father John Riccardo teaches from Detroit, one of the global pandemic’s largest hot spots in the world — about to hit its apex. “You don’t happen to be here living at this time in the middle of this pandemic. You were born for this moment… God made you for this moment.’’

This week is “the single most important week in the history of the Universe,” he stresses, because this is “the week when God went to war against the foes we can’t compete against…’’

During Holy Week, God waged war on:

  • Death, the first born child of Satan, who hovers over our world.
  • Sin, the way we so often fail to be who we are capable of being.
  • Satan, the fallen angel who is the father of lies and division. He hates humans because God chose to make us his heirs, giving us gifts even the angels were not given.



Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.