Who Gets Jesus? Meaning of Communion and Eucharist

Different understandings of Communion are the primary difference between Catholicism and Protestantism

Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home


Photo by Joseph Serwach

Most U.S. Catholics are confused. The cases of Joe Biden and a Michigan judge help explain the Eucharist and Communion.

The United States was primarily founded by Protestants who consider communion to be symbolic and open to all: share Jesus with everyone. A new Pew study, meanwhile, shows Protestants are far more likely to have a close relationship with their clergy.

Nearly 80 percent of Protestants say they have a close relationship with their pastor, verus 61 percent of Catholics. However, just 8 percent of Catholics feel “very close’’ to their priest.

Similarly, 77 percent of Protestants (vs. 60 percent of Catholics) have “a lot of confidence’’ that their clergy can help them grow closer to God.

Communion explains Christian differences

The Catholic Church has passed down the tradition of transubstantiation. Begun by Jesus and His Apostles at the Last Supper, priests turn bread and wine into His Real Presence, His Body and Blood.

Protestants focus on the Word and message of Jesus: the best delivery of that…



Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish. https://serwachjoe.medium.com/membership