Why We’re ‘All In’ For The Bible in a Year Podcast: Great Adventure Catholic Bible Now Sold Out

Being cut off from community during lockdowns fueled hunger for the Word, Bible studies

Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home


The Bible in a Year podcast became the №1 podcast in the world in January 2021, with more than 4.3 million signing up in the first two weeks. It’s remained in the top 20 ever since—photo of Father Mike Schmitz courtesy of Ascension Press.

Millions now hear the entire Bible because “The Bible in the Year” became the world’s №1 podcast, selling out The Great Adventure Catholic Bible.

“I wanted to read the Bible in a way that shaped my lens,” said Father Mike Schmitz. “I wanted to be able to read the story of the people of Israel and realize ‘OK, this is part of our story of living in a broken world — but striving to be faithful.’’’

Every day the podcast appears on millions of phones. Listeners can spend about 20 minutes hearing Father Schmitz read from and comment on The Great Adventure Bible.

Ascension is taking pre-orders for a new printing due in late August, but the podcast is free, and new people join every day.

Listening to all 365 episodes gets subscribers through the whole Bible (the Catholic Bible includes everything in Protestant Bibles plus seven books Martin Luther wanted out).

Have you ever tried to read the Bible cover to cover? Go to Mass (or sign up for the USCCB daily readings) every single day for three years, and you’ll hear 71…



Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish. https://serwachjoe.medium.com/membership