Benefits From Praying The Rosary

M.E.V. Amodia
I AM Catholic
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2022

My family and I started praying the Rosary around 2018 or 2019 when my paternal grandmother was still alive. My grandmother was a devout Catholic, and I guess I could say that for all women who lived during her time, or maybe I’m just saying that because most of her friends are also devout Catholics. As for me, I was religious back when I was in my early elementary years that soon faded later on, but if you’ve read my story you would know where I’m at these days.

Back to the Rosary. At first, I never knew why we prayed it, ever since my Evangelical best friend asked me why we pray to Mary when she doesn’t have any power. It wasn’t until later in my late twenties did I know why. But there is so much more as to why we pray the rosary and that’s what I’m here to talk about.

  1. You are learning about the life of Jesus Christ through the eyes of His mother, Mary. What better way to know our Savior within the confines of our home than the Rosary? A lot of Protestants will say that we Catholics are committing idolatry but this is so far from it. For one, each day is a different mystery taken from the Bible and meditated on. Second, you are learning about different points of Jesus’ life. And third, you are reciting scripture itself.
  2. It reduces sin. Something that I noticed once I took praying the rosary seriously is that it reduced my capacity to commit sin. I wonder if it’s because of the repetitive nature of the Rosary and the desire to be like Mary that causes it but it has greatly reduced sin in my life. Of course, I still go to confession every few months and the rosary plays a big part in why I don’t have to confess every week!
  3. You are praying for someone who needs Christ’s, Divine Mercy. Whether it’s a family member or a stranger who’s stuck in Purgatory when each mystery ends, it’s in prayer for someone who’s either long gone or recently deceased. Think of how that soul you prayed for will also be praying for you when it’s your turn.
  4. It keeps your family together. We are all familiar with the phrase ‘The family that prays together, stays together.’ Praying the Rosary with my family has been a strange beneficial experience. I’ve had a complicated relationship with my mother since…well since we’re polar opposites, and after having prayed the Rosary seriously for well over a year I’ve noticed a shift in our relationship, especially on my end.
  5. Your prayers are answered. Before we start the mysteries, my mom prays our petitions and while I do mine silently (which I’m sure God can hear) one of them has slowly but surely come true. I won’t say what it is since it’s quite a silly request to God, but God seems to have answered my prayer. This was quite a shock for me when I found out but I guess that’s how God works!
  6. This last one is without any petitions to God, but God does know our inner-most desires. Months ago, I’ve been looking to make a site or write for a site about Catholicism, and last month my wish came true! And now I’m writing for this site! I cannot say that I’m a prayerful person at all, even I’ve been slacking on my Bible reading these days, but I guess I’ve made praying the rosary a habit for the past two years that I’ve been getting these side benefits to it.

I can never know if the ones on this list are due to fate or coincidence, but one thing I’m thankful to God for is for giving me a second chance at life.

I am speaking solely from my experience, not anyone else’s, so feel free to add the benefits you’ve received from praying the rosary in the comments below!

