Forgiveness and Mercy Through the Crucifixion

Holy Saturday

Linda Whitworth
I AM Catholic
2 min readApr 16, 2022


Good Afternoon, dear reader. Well, we certainly have our work cutout for today with so many readings. So let’s get down to business.

Today is a waiting game. Everyone is trying to come to terms with what happened yesterday. How could Jesus be dead? Why did this happen? What do we do now? So many questions and no answers. Or is there?

The first two readings remind us that God created all we have. He reigns over all things living. It also reminds us that sometimes God puts us to a test to see how faithful we will remain when asked to do the impossible.

This same theme is brought about in Exodus and the parting of the Red Sea. Moses was facing terrible odds. The Israelites were complaining. They were tired of travelling and not seeing any results. What was the point? They should have stayed where they were and made the best of it. But, Moses hung in there. He knew that this was something God wanted him to do. This can be viewed as Moses’s test of faith. Could he still bring these people out of the mire they were in? Could he believe that God wanted this for His people? Moses remained faithful in his quest for God. God provided a way when there appeared to be none.

These readings resonate with me. At the moment, my husband and I are facing an impossible situation that doesn’t seem to have an answer. We have tried our best and continue to keep going. My fear and anxiety multiply as each day passes. I don’t want to face what the outcome will be if something doesn’t materialise. But, my husband keeps reminding me to keep my faith in God, that He will provide an answer as He’s always done when situations have been dire.

I will be honest, dear reader. This has not been easy for me. I’m the sort of person who will work and work to find an answer. There has to be a way. There has to be something I can do to fix this. But, now, this time, there’s nothing I can do. I’ve tried. And I have resigned myself to what the consequences will be. I’ve basically given up. BUT… I have this teeny little glimmer, my hope in God, that He will somehow pull us out of this. So, I keep soldiering on… and I, as you,..continue to be a nice human. 😇

Here is Father Bill’s reflection on today’s readings:

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Linda Whitworth
I AM Catholic

New to blogging, but blessed to be able to do it! Remember... be a nice human! 😇 Follow my blog: