How Do You Take Away All the Sins of the World?

That is something only One Man can do

Jocelyn Soriano
I AM Catholic


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If there is anything that causes pain in this world, it is sin. The sin of injustice towards other people, the sin of greed, the sin of unbridled lust, the sin of envy and of wrath.

We live in a world where much light is covered by the darkness of sin.

Sin that infects others and consumes us from within. Sin that spreads faster than a virus, and that kills not only the body but the soul.

No matter how we try to hide from it, sin comes to us and destroys all that is beautiful in us.

We cannot taste true happiness because of sin. Because of sin, all our pleasures and amusements leave us even more empty than before.

What is life with sin? With sin, even eternal life is nothing. Eternity with sin is a never ending torment.

God knew our predicament. He knew everything else that would follow after the fall.

And so He sent us the Only One who could save us. The Only Light that can overcome the darkness in the world.

“Behold, the Lamb of…

