Miracles and Wonders

Friday, Octave of Easter

Linda Whitworth
I AM Catholic
3 min readApr 22, 2022


Good Morning, dear reader, and happy Friday!! It would seem that our readings this morning are full of the hope that resurrection brings!! And, again, Jesus is looking for food! lol

Our message in Acts is one of faith over fear! The people are no longer afraid of persecution and there are now even more followers of Christ! We see that nothing can stop the power of Christ! Isn’t that amazing?!!?!?!! Like most people in history, it is only in death that they become famous!! Jesus is starting to become like a rock star! More and more crowds gather, more and more believers are coming forward, yearning for more. The members of the Sanhedrin were becoming worried. Peter’s speech to them was brave and bold! These men may have physically killed The Messiah, but He is so powerful that even death couldn’t stop Him! And to further illustrate this point, the man who had been healed of his disability shows up, and he’s standing up!!! Can you just imagine the look on the faces of those men in the Sanhedrin!?!!? This guy was living proof of the immense power of Christ! You can’t hide that or cover it up!!

The quote I shared in the above image is precisely the idea of our reading in Acts. Don’t be afraid to share your faith. Don’t be afraid to speak out with His name! Let His word spread to others so that they may share in the loving wonder of Jesus Christ! Be His disciple, His follower! Let your faith shine like a beacon for others to see!

Now, on to John’s Gospel, we hear about the miracle of the fish and Jesus once again showing Himself to His disciples. This time, however, they did recognize that this was Jesus making Himeself known to His disciples. They were no longer afraid.

The men had been on the beach trying to catch enough fish in order to feed everyone. They left the nets to soak overnight in hopes of a good harvest, but the fish just weren’t biting. So now, as the sun is coming up, there’s Jesus, ready and waiting to help them out. He tells them where to cast their nets so they will get plenty of fish. While they’re doing that, Jesus builds a fire and prepares to eat. I guess being raised from death made Him hungry!

When the men tried to pull in the net, it was so full of fish that they just couldn’t lift it. More men came over to help and together they pull in the multitude of fish. The weight of the fish should have put a strain on the net and possibly cause it to rip, but it never happened. There was more than enough fish to feed the whole town for quite some time. In this tale, we see the symbolism of the Last Supper, with Jesus breaking the bread. Jesus was telling them, through the food, that He can quench any hunger, that this food should remind them that He gave up His physical body for them so they could have eternal life in heaven.

Wow! These have been some powerful stories! Death is overcome, hunger is satisfied, faith is strengthened, and hope abounds! If this doesn’t make you rejoice, nothing will! There is no denying the awesome power of Jesus Christ! If you need proof, well then, there it is! Spend some time today to really meditate and think about these readings. What is your soul hungering for? Is there anything you think is hopeless or difficult? Ask Jesus for nourishment. Let His love and His words fill you up. And use this as a reminder to be a nice human! 😇

Father Bill’s reflection on today’s reading:

A reminder of who I AM is, “I Am” by Mark Schultz:

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Linda Whitworth
I AM Catholic

New to blogging, but blessed to be able to do it! Remember... be a nice human! 😇 Follow my blog: https://ordinarylivesextraordinaryfaith.blogspot.com/