Oozing Joy

Why Settle for an Ordinary Life?

Sara Park McLaughlin
I AM Catholic
2 min readJul 14, 2023


(Photograph by Sara McLaughlin)

On a live radio interview recently, the host told me and a guest who called in that we both “oozed joy.”

I love that expression! We were discussing my latest book, Praying with Saint Augustine, and how every single heartfelt prayer of the great saint gives us goosebumps. His prayers resound with joy.

Joy is contagious. I’m not talking about temporary happiness, the kind we all experience when we find a parking place right in front of Groceries ‘R Us. Joy includes happiness, but the difference is joy wells up deep inside of us and is not affected by circumstances.

The guest who called in to the radio interview said her mission in life is to bring joy to others. Regardless of where she goes — the gym, the store, the dry cleaners, the beauty shop — she passes out prayer cards and tells everyone about the hope within her. That hope stems from the love of Jesus Christ she experiences as a result of her daily walk with Him.

Even though she lives in New York and is always prepared to be rejected or mocked, she said no one has ever been rude to her. Several young people who were despondent from a lack of purpose in life have thanked her for caring enough to point out the path to joy.

She noted young people she encounters are hungry for God alone who brings purpose and joy to our lives. The host, who was a Catholic priest, said, “I would like to correct one thing you said. They are not hungry….

“They are starving.”

Anyone who is not oozing joy could try an experiment — reaching out to God by means of words spoken from the heart. God does not force His way into our lives. He waits for an invitation.

The Catholic Church welcomes everyone — no exceptions — to come and see. Come and encounter Jesus Christ in the sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Come ask questions. Find out how an extraordinary life differs from the humdrum life the world offers.

St. Augustine is most famous for saying “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

But be prepared! Once God enters your heart, you will no longer be satisfied with living an ordinary life. You will want more and more and more closeness to the God who gave you life and loves you more than you can imagine.

Once you emerge from the darkness of the cocoon, there will be no desire to return!



Sara Park McLaughlin
I AM Catholic

Former humor columnist, author of My Humor Writing Journal [Amazon] and retired university English teacher, love Catholicism, apologetics, C. S. Lewis.