Psalm 104
“Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, you are very great! You are clothed with honor and majesty, who cover yourself with light as with a garment, who has stretched out the heavens like a tent, who has laid the beams of your chambers on the waters, who makes the could your chariot, who rides on the wings of the wind, who makes the winds your messengers, fire and flame your ministers.”
How incredible is the Lord! he surely is due all glory, praise and honor! For His creation is incredible, all that He has made truly declares His glory! Truly, He could have made a boring, drab little world, and it would have been much easier; with less diversity of species, less complexity in the sustaining of our lives, it all would have been simpler. But no, the Lord is a Lord of glory and glorious things, and He made this world beautiful, He made us with such incredible complexity that scientists and engineers have not come close to replicating it. Look up the best humanoid robots, they look fine, but nowhere near the incredible fine-tuning of humanity. Every process that supports our life, from the tiniest chemical reaction inside our cells, that do the work to keep us alive, to the complexity of the food that we eat, everywhere is the glory of the Lord expounded. Everything that He has made is perfect, He cannot create anything that is fallen or sinful, but things choose that path. Macroevolution is obviously false, for, the people who are always screaming for empirical evidence for the Lord Almighty can never produce any for their own viewpoint. There is zero evidence for a change of species, the closest they have come was a coelacanth found in Finland, I believe it was, that appeared to be some kind of transitional form. However, this same fish is still swimming the oceans today, it did not transition, it is still the same fish as the fossil found! Adaptation is obviously possible, as we actually have evidence for that, and it’s observable, but that cannot prove a change of kinds. We have zero fossil or scientific evidence for a change of kinds, a change of species, and yet it is still hailed as the leading theory, simply because fools desire to cut God out of His glorious creation. There have been multiple occasions where scientists have been caught faking fossils to try and prove their point, Lucy being one, cro-magnon man being another, and yet people still assume they’re right, because they wear a lab coat and say they’re right. These are some of the most snooty, arrogant people, intentionally leading others astray because of their own desire to avoid eternal accountability. For, if they can prove that God does not exist, or if He had nothing to do with creation, then who is He to judge us all at the end of days? Denying God’s existence does not remove the fact of eternal accountability, it simply ignores it in an attempt to live how one’s sinful flesh desires to live. This is grave foolishness indeed, and to lead others astray because of one’s misgivings is satanic and evil. We must attack this insidious theory at the roots, where it tries to cut God out at the inception of the universe, even though that theory ignores the Theory of Relativity, Thermodynamics, and several other laws of physics.
For they say that the universe came from a singularity, a tiny point with infinite mass and infinite energy, and suddenly blew up, creating everything (after billions of years. I’m not trying to create a strawman argument here) that we see about us. Of course, that was a grand simplification, but let me challenge this theory. If everything came from a singularity, from where did the singularity come? If must have a beginning, for, due to the law of cause and effect, there cannot be an uncaused effect, nor can there be a cause without an effect. The universe certainly is an effect, so therefore, what caused it? I sometimes see the infinitely old universe argument, but this one is foolishness, as if the universe were infinity old, then entropy would have happened an infinity number of years ago, and we should currently be in the heat death stage of the universe. There are other issues with this theory, but I don’t need to mention those, besides Albert Einstein saying assuming an infinitely old universe was his greatest mistake. No, the matter and energy had to have a beginning, which requires something outside and above them for them to begin. For as we make a terrarium, we are not in the terrarium, nor are we bound by the laws of the terrarium, for we are ‘gods’ in a way above that terrarium. It is the same with this universe, the Lord Almighty is outside and above it, not bound by the laws of physics, for He is the author of physics, He is the author of the universe. So, therefore, there must be something outside of time, matter, and energy in order to create those things, in order to begin the physical existence of the universe. Something cannot come from nothing, much as Richard Dawkins would like to believe that, it’s scientifically impossible. To deny God is to accept one of these two false theories, either the universe is infinity years old, or something came from nothing. Every so often, someone quotes to me a study done at CERN to try and prove that something can come from nothing, as that is what the study appears to prove. However, the study is flawed. Something truly did not come from nothing, for in the experiment, 1) they used CERN, 2) they used lasers, and 3) it wasn’t a perfect vacuum. Do you see any obvious, glaring issues with the validity of this study? Also, the particles that did appear only last for a few billionths of a second, hardly noticeable, and they call that one case closed, God, destroyed. Fools! Look at the bias, look at the desire simply to wipe God from existence by any means necessary!
No, our God, the Lord Almighty, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the King of Creation, is very real, and created this incredible universe. Every other theory, once examined logically, falls into the dust of foolishness and God-denial. It is no more than that. “The one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.“