Speak Up!! Speak Out!!

Saturday, Octave of Easter

Linda Whitworth
I AM Catholic
3 min readApr 23, 2022


Good Morning, dear reader!! This morning we continue our celebration of the resurrection.

Again, we see Peter and John in front of the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin are still wondering how they can keep this whole “Jesus movement” quiet. They tell Peter and John that they won’t be punished if they promise never to speak of it again. This doesn’t sit well with our two disciples. They ask the members of the Sanhedrin if it would be prudent to listen to their decision or that of God. Remember, these men are Jewish. They follow the God of the Old Testament. Do they really want to tempt God’s wrath? Could they deny the fact that a disabled man, who had been that way for forty years, can now walk? Even if Peter and John never uttered a single word in reference to Jesus, this particular miracle is undeniable. The Sanhedrin had no choice but to let the men go,

The Romans thought that by killing Jesus it would set an example for the other followers. This is what will happen to you, as well, They never figured Jesus would come back from the dead. They never figured that Jesus would become so popular AFTER His death. They were hoping for out of sight, out of mind coupled with the threat of death would silence these people once and for all. Did that ever backfire!! Not only did it not stop “the Jesus movement”, it made it even stronger! More and more people were being converted. Word was spreading far and wide. The Sanhedrin knew there was the possibility of riots and uprising if they punished Peter and John. They knew there would be others to follow. For every non-believer, there are hundreds more who are. Jesus had become THAT powerful!! This is why we must never be timid in our faith or in our praise!

As we move into Mark’s Gospel, we see a similar theme as that in Acts. Jesus is becoming frustrated with the fact that His own followers don’t believe that He has risen from the dead. He keeps popping up here and there, word is slowly spreading, but still they remain doubtful. Once Jesus has it out with His disciples, He tells them that they need to go out into the world and spread the good news. Tell everyone that if they believe in Him, they are to be baptised and be saved. This is the same thing that is asked of us today. We need to make know the joy of Jesus Christ and the salvation that it brings. We need others to see our faith, to understand the immense change it can make in life. No matter who tries to silence us, our voices MUST be heard!!

So, dear reader, go forth and preach!! Spread the good news of Jesus Christ! Be a light in the middle of darkness. But, while you’re doing that, remember… be a nice human! 😇

Father Bill’s reflection on today’s readings:

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Linda Whitworth
I AM Catholic

New to blogging, but blessed to be able to do it! Remember... be a nice human! 😇 Follow my blog: https://ordinarylivesextraordinaryfaith.blogspot.com/